So on the subject of birds. My people are convinced (I have heard them talking) that I don't know they are not very respectful of me and my hunting abilities. As I said I did bring a bird for her which she did not appreciate. I brought her a caterpillar one day, which I put on the rug and when it started to move, she threw it out of the window into the garden. I have brought her moths which she seems not to like. I can't kill things you see, I just catch them. I brought a vole one day and when I put it down it didn't stay put and there was a dreadful fuss about catching it and getting it back to the garden. Then there was the baby hedgehog that we had in the shed for ages. I had no real problem with it except they fed it my food.
Anyway it grew up and moved on. Anyway, I have problems, I am white and visible and most things can see me from the moon. But as they say, which makes me a bit sick, I am cute. NOOOOO not cute. My favourite two things I brought back were a turkey leg (cooked) one Christmas and a large grey fluffy cat who I showed how to jump on the windowsill and wait for the window to be opened.
Tomorrow will be my views on chews.
I leave you with a most fetching portrait of myself, showing how not to be seen:
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