Today there was a bit of sun, so I sat on the bin - for several reasons. I use this bin in summer (which we didn't seem to get much of last year and the male and female did not seem to have a great deal of explanation when I raised the point) as a way of getting onto and off the shed roof. That is a good place to be and I will tell you about that another day.
Another reason is that there is a right stress going on with the OF and disposal of rubbish as the local 'tip' is 'closed for repair'. I don't know what that means, but a lot of talk about 'bins' is going on at the moment so I thought I would sit on our green one to keep it safe.
Anyway, I sat on the bin mainly because I was unsure if the white cold snow would return and sitting on the bin keeps me off the floor. Although I seem to remember that the snow was everywhere not just on the floor ........... hum.
So, the bin keeps me off the floor and it is also a good place to watch birds from. The OF feeds them almost as much as she feeds me. She brings all sorts home from work and a whole range of birds sit in the tree waiting for her to distribute her bounty. They normally glance at me, then carry on eating. If I jump down they all fly off so I usually just stay on the bin. Sometimes the cat from next door, who I don't get on with, comes and eats the food OF leaves for the birds. I don't hesitate to jump down then and we rush at one another in slow motion the way cats do until one of us gives up and runs away. I have won the last two.
The male's YF also works in the same place as the OF but I never see her feeding the birds, but she does give me chews when she visits. I think something profound can be drawn from that, but am sleepy again so will think more when I have had a nap. Do you know cats usually sleep for many hours a day. More about that tomorrow.
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