Thursday, 3 April 2008

Email pests.


It's not often that I complain. But.... I feel I MUST on this occasion.

I have just had to get my technical experts to change my e-mail address.

I have had certain things done to me, as a strapping male cat, that mean that I do not need the certain body-part enhancing products that I have been offered by various companies in certain spam e-mails.

If people would like to send my people several truckloads of CAT FOOD instead, I would be most interested to see any of those emails.

I am going to have a quick sleep 'til those emails start arriving.

To prove my complete and total superiority....

They may think that they are better and more intelligent than me.

But. They. Are. Wrong.

I can do THIS and they can't because they are rubbish.

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

This is what happens when you create a work of art and they don't appreciate it.

This is what happens when you create a work of art and they don't appreciate it.

I can recommend this site, but think it would be a whole lot better with some photos of ME on it

While they aren't looking.......

While they aren't looking, I am going to help myself to some of MY chews.

The operative word being MY. and CHEWS.